I am a painter

I am a painter:
I can see the world when I close my eyes
I can hear the colors run through my veins

I been an outcast:
I been told I’m too strange, how do you view thing so
I used to keep thought to myself

I been a loaner:
A pen and paper is all I need
The friend I make is the ink released

I tried to fit in:
I followed the cool crowd to be “cool”
But I was the lemming who saw the danger ahead and stopped following
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I been laughed at:
I do things differently.
Many don’t understand
Laugh if you must, I am the better man

I kept to myself:
Ideas that will change the world
Paintings that will melt ice hearts

I am a painter:
I can see the world when I close my eyes
I can hear the colors run through my veins


***This is based off of “Negro” by Langston Hughes

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